“Siku hizi kumebadilika sana,” is a common Swahili phrase used by almost everyone to refer to the changes in weather patterns today. All this is Climate change which is a reality already here with us. The effects are felt all over the world. This happens in different ways in different places across the globe. It is actually so dynamic. As everyone is left wondering what will happen in years to come, life has to move on. There is great need for people both young and old to become aware of it, get the knowledge, change their attitudes and develop skills to actively participate in solving this environmental problem.
It is on this background that we chose climate change as our theme for the environmental education expeditions in Marafa and Bamba areas of Kilifi County. We managed to visit 16 primary schools and conducted one lesson in each with the members of the Wildlife clubs of Kenya. In the lessons, we handled the definitions of weather, climate and climate change. We explained the greenhouse effect and global warming concepts using simple examples for ease understanding. What has caused climate change? This is the question we answered next looking at both natural and human causes then the effects resulting from the change in climate. The big challenge is what can be done about climate change. For sure we can do something about it, even if it seems small because if we imagine everyone doing what they can, then together we can deal with this issue. This led us to a discussion of the various ways we can apply in solving this problem either to prevent , mitigate, adapt or reduce the effects.
As Christians in #conservation we believe that our work is a calling and that we have an added responsibility to the people that God brings our way. It is important to report on this specific incidence in one of the school in Marafa. We found a girl who was demon possessed crying loudly as we arrived in the school. We decided to take time to pray for her until she got back to normal, talked to her and then had the lesson. It is really satisfying to see what is taught in lessons put into practice. We were so glad to see tippy taps built in some of the schools as a result of the previous lessons on water conservation. In general all the lessons were highly interactive and enjoyable in all the schools.