Camping in the Dakatcha Woodlands

9th April 2021

For our March bio-blitz,our terrestrial team spent 5 days in the Dakatcha Woodland conducting biodiversity surveys. The objective is to develop an understanding of biodiversity in area, which in turn helps us to identify and prioritize which land to purchase and protect.

They had a few interesting species;


The team found evidence for the first time of the Senegal Plover brooding its eggs in the woodland. They lay their eggs on the ground, making it hard for predators – and even the team – to spot them. While the Senegal Plover normally broods around this time of the year, the present unseasonably dry weather conditions will make it hard for the newly hatched chicks to find seeds and insects to feed on.


The foam nesting frog makes its nest out of foam on overhanging trees, so that when the eggs hatch, the young tadpoles drop down into this frothy liquid. They start to breed in the rainy season in different environments, including seasonal wetlands.


The boomslang is one of the most common snakes around Africa. Finding a newborn just before the rainy season suggests they can sense the rains coming and that they prefer this time as their mating season. They feed on a variety of preys, mainly chameleons and birds. They are a rear fanged snake, meaning the venom production is located at the back of the mouth rather than the front, making envenomation a more complex task. Their bite is not deadly as an antivenom is available

Both the foam nesting frog and the boomslang snake rely on trees and water for survival, which makes it urgent it is to take action to safeguard this key habitat. Land purchase is the most efficient approach to secure the preservation of this critical environment. While other areas continue to be destroyed and burnt down, we ensure that our nature reserve is well preserved.

Stanley, Katisho and Albert are working hard to identify land, approach farmers and secure land purchase deals – more on this to follow soon!

If you wish to support our land purchase efforts and help safeguard Dakatcha Woodland, you can make a donation here:

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