It’s Friday so it’s time to clean up!

29th March 2020
conservation | recycling | water
Reflections on the beach clean up by Liz, a guest who stayed with us for a week 🙂 

Every Friday at 4pm, A Rocha Kenya spends half an hour picking up litter from the beach. February 28th was no exception and 5 trusty volunteers, guests and staff members removed waste such as bottle tops and scraps of plastic from a length of shoreline of about 50m. The team also emptied the litter bin at the start of the dunes.

Tidying the beach is just part of A Rocha’s mission. They also monitor species in the Watamu National Marine Protected Area, Mida Creek International Bird Area, Arabuko-Sokoke and Dakatcha Forests, work with communities on better farming techniques and alternative income streams from sustainable practices such as bee-keeping and butterfly farming, and protect wildlife such as the endangered Golden-rumped Elephant-shrew and Sokoke Scops Owl.

If you’d like to join next week’s beach clean, head to the section of beach at the end of plot 28!


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