With its hustles and bustles, and the little green spaces available taken up for developmental purposes, urban areas offer zilch opportunities for young people to interact with #nature.

Young people are the change agents of tomorrow and they should not be lulled into false complacency on matters concerning the environment. It is therefore essential for them to understand how the changes in the #environment will affect them now and in future.

In partnership with the African Fund for Endangered Wildlife (Giraffe Center), A Rocha Kenya through its environmental education department aims at bringing the young people residing in Nairobi closer to nature.

It recognizes the role played by young people in tackling environmental problems and also understands the need to equip these young ones with the relevant information on current environmental issues.

Working towards achieving the sustainable development goals: Goal 2: zero hunger, Goal 13: climate action and Goal 15: life on land. A Rocha Kenya indulges the visiting pupils from schools within Nairobi County on various conservation and environmental activities.

In #Conservation agriculture which is a #climate change adaptation strategy, the young people are educated on mulching and planting cover crops as a way of conserving both the soil and water, addition of nutrients through crop rotation and inter-cropping, compost making to minimize the usage of chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides as well as minimization of disturbances of the soil biota through minimized tillage.


To reduce the impacts of waste disposal on land, they are equipped with knowledge on the 3Rs (reducing, reusing and recycling).This particularly applies to plastics which are non biodegradable and pollute the air with gases that are harmful to human health such as dioxin and styrene released when plastics burn as well as the effect of these plastics on biodiversity in water bodies and on land.

On the conservation of forest biodiversity, the young people are educated on the impacts of deforestation on forest biodiversity, climate and human beings which is in accordance with goal number 15 that aims at sustainable management of forests, combating of deforestation, halting and reversing land degradation as well as biodiversity loss.

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